Posts Tagged ‘copy cpld mcu encrypt eeprom’

PostHeaderIcon Copy CPLD MCU Software Data

Copy CPLD MCU Software Data from flash memory and rewrite the program to new CPLD chip which can provide the same functions as original CPLD chip after MCU Cracking;

Copy CPLD MCU Software Data from flash memory and rewrite the program to new CPLD chip which can provide the same functions as original CPLD chip after MCU Cracking

Copy CPLD MCU Software Data from flash memory and rewrite the program to new CPLD chip which can provide the same functions as original CPLD chip after MCU Cracking

There is another trick that makes recovery of memory contents possible, even when there is no overlap between the erased security fuse and non-corrupted memory content at the time of erasure. For example, we found that newer samples of the same chip will start to corrupt the memory before the security fuse is erased. In this case a power glitch cannot be used to recover information from the memory. What can be done instead is a careful adjustment of the threshold voltage in the cell’s transistor. It is possible to inject a certain portion of charge into the floating gate by carefully controlling the memory programming time.