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Attack CPLD MCU Microcontroller Firmware File

Attack CPLD MCU Microcontroller and clone firmware file from MCU memory, and then rewrite the extracted source code to new CPLD MCU microcontroller for a perfect cloning;

Attack CPLD MCU Microcontroller and copy firmware file from MCU memory, and then rewrite the extracted source code to new CPLD MCU microcontroller for a perfect cloning

When attack cpld mcu microcontroller, To undertake further work under a FIB or a SEM the chip surface has to be coated with a thin gold layer making it conductive, otherwise it will very quickly accumulate charge and the picture become dark.

We used an Emitech K550 gold sputter coater to coat samples prior to the FIB work. Some modern FIB machines have a built-in video camera for optical navigation, eliminating the need for the special coating.

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